Wakaba Tax Accounting Office (Ashitamo Co., Ltd.)
If you run your own business, you may be a company owner or sole proprietor. Your firm may be new and freshly founded, with big benefits and advantages, or may not grow as expected. Companies are very different, and the business support you need could vary greatly. We provide services for a wide range of needs including company start-up/foundation assistance, inheritance issues, year-end tax adjustment, tax return filing, account settlement, tax audit measures, tax-saving methods, etc.
At our office, we consider future management policy in accordance with the customer’s business situation, and provide optimal tax-saving measures, fund procurement, and accounting tax support to match each customer’s needs. We strive daily to be the closest and best adviser to management, and we want to work together with customers to realize their goals.
Address | Taito City, Asakusa, 5-34-10 |
Phone | 03-5246-4134 |